Analyze Preferences

Use this dialog box to select the options for analyzing a project and its structures.

The Analyze Preferences dialog box consists of two sections. The top section displays the options for performing project analysis. The bottom section displays the Results used to calculate values grid, where you can select the results to use by the Analyze utility.


Field Description
Curve chart template file Select this option to specify an alternative chart template file to use for the Analyze curve graphs. Click in the Select column to display the Locate Report Template dialog box, where you can select a template file.
CV-SV chart template file Select this option to specify an alternative chart template file to use for the Analyze CVSV graphs. Click in the Select column to display the Locate Report Template dialog box, where you can select a template file.
Custom XSL document for XML output By default, the .xml file contains a reference to the ddactive.xsl file. You can change the .xsl document reference inserted into the .xml file by supplying a filename in this field. You can also click in the Select column to display the Locate Report Template dialog box, where you can select a template file.
Results used to calculate values This option restricts the results used by the Analyze utility. The value entered for this option must be a list of one or more results, separated by commas. For example, to produce a drill-down view in terms of hours, enter HOURS in the field. To remove the G&A result, enter the other results separated by commas: DIRECT, OVERHEAD.

The values that you enter in the field must be results that already exist in the project.

Always generate XML support files Selecting this option instructs Cobra to save the .xml support files in a sub-folder of the folder containing the XML file when you save Analyze reports to XML.
Selected Selecting the Selected check box for any of the options makes the option selected by default in the process wizard where it is located.
Secure Selecting the Secure check box for any of the options prevents users from changing the setting for that particular option in process wizards where these options are also located. Cobra uses this feature to secure certain options while users run processes against projects.

If the Secure check box is selected, this option cannot be modified on the options pages of the Cobra process wizards. Select this option to ensure that all users are using the same settings when running Cobra processes.

Use selected results Select this option to instruct Cobra to use the selected results on Results used to calculate values grid. If you do not select this option, you cannot select results on the Results used to calculate values grid.
Results used to calculate values grid

This grid displays all the results included in the project. Select the results that you want to use in performing project analysis by selecting the appropriate check boxes in the Selected column.